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Got a question?

Philosophy is all about asking the questions no one has thought of before, and here we discuss big ideas in everyday ways.

Take a look at our three main principles...


Stay curious and open-minded. We can never know everything, so always be ready to learn something new.


Be powerful; tell your idea to the world! Ask what you want to know, be prepared for any answer and take the time to understand it.


Got a new way of thinking now? Use it in your day-to-day life; put your philosophy into practice.


Nice to Meet You

I'm Freya, and welcome to Morning Cup of Philosophy. If you're wondering what this website is all about, great; you're already on the right track! The one thing I encourage people to do most is to always ask questions. So go ahead, indulge in the discussions, explore them thoughts in the back of your mind, and send me a message if you want to talk more about an idea :)

Let’s Connect

Want to talk more about an idea we've discussed before? Or give me some more food for thought! Send me a message using this form.

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"Everything is change. Nothing can be held on to; to the degree that you go with a stream. You see, you are still, you are flowing with it. But to the degree you resist the stream, then you notice that the current is rushing past you and fighting you. So swim with it, go with it, and you're there, you're at rest."

Alan Watts

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